Travel insurance is a necessity for families to purchase when traveling. As a family you can save money when purchasing travel insurance using the travel insurance family rate.
Question: Do you offer special family prices for your coverage?
Answer: Yes. You can purchase emergency medical family coverage. This means your children are insured when they travel with you or join you during your trip. Ask your agent to review the family coverage qualifications with you. You can also view the full policy on our web site.
What is the travel insurance family rate?
Family rates are available under Classic Medical, Classic Annual Medical and Visitors to Canada coverage’s. To calculate, multiple the single adult rate by 2. If the mother and father are in different age categories, calculate the premium by adding the mother’s individual rate and the father’s individual rate. A family includes parents(s) and/or unmarried dependent children under 21 years of age, or under 26 years of age if full-time student, or mentally or physically handicapped and over 20 years of age. if full-time student, or mentally or physically handicapped and over 20 years of age.